Our innovation and tradition combine to form Empire's LFKR Stone Hearth Deck Oven with steam technology. Sturdy, well-insulated Mannesmann steam tube systems distribute heat quickly and evenly throughout the oven, allowing it to respond rapidly to temperature change. Individual generators strategically positioned in the firebox are capable of producing consistent steam for your entire production. Lighter and smaller than similar ovens in its class, the LFKR steam bread oven allows for easier installation and accessibility in smaller locations.
Available in 2, 3, and 4-door models with up to 5 decks, this powerhouse boasts an equivalent pan capacity of up to 74 pans, allowing you to produce nearly 400 loaves of consistent, high-quality artisan bread per bake. Best of all, our manual, semi-automatic, and automatic loader/unloader requires minimum training to master, making the LFKR Stone Hearth Steam Baking Oven extremely easy to operate.
LFKR Stone Hearth Deck Oven
LoavesPer Bake: 108-406
Actual Pan Capacity: 12-45
Loading Door Size: 24.4"
Equivalent Pan Capacity: 20-74
Deck Surface Area: 64-240 ft2
Thermal Power (BTU/hr): 167K-437K
- Insulated RingTube Design
- Available in 2, 3 & 4 Door Designs, up to 5 Decks
- Stone Hearth Baking Surface Deck Oven with Steam
- Individual Steam Generators for Each Deck
- Counter Balanced Door made of Tempered Glass
- Digital Thermostat and Automatic Steam Timers
- Standard 24.4" Loading Doors
- Also Available with 30" wide doors
- 24 Volt Control System
- Pan Capacity Based on Standard 18" x 26" Pan
- Compact, Front Mounted Controls
- Steam Bread Oven Available with Manual, Semi-Automatic, and Automatic Loaders